9th October 2016

A Greater High Priest

Passage: Hebrews 4:14-5:10
Service Type:

The sermon with a summary of Hebrews till now
For every look at ourselves take five at Jesus and his grace.
Jesus is our great high priest.
The Jewish Christians were tempted to look back to Jewish worship. The writer is pointing to Jesus as The High Priest.
• Sympathy
Jesus hasn't just gone into the Temple, but into heaven, as his Father's Son and our representative human. Because he is human he can sympathise with us.
• Selection
Jesus was appointed High Priest, he didn't choose to do it.
• Solidarity
Jesus had to pray as a human - how much more do we. We are referred to Gethsemane.
Because he became one with us we have solidarity with him in his perfect humanity. Only Jesus can be our mediator.

On Saturday, 8 October, our Children and Families' worker Bronwen married Tom. Bob interviewed her cousin Davydd who is studying at Regent's College, Vancouver, Canada, where her uncle is a lecturer.

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