The disciples obeyed Jesus' instruction to wait in Jerusalem. They needed to replace Judas with someone who was an eyewitness of all that Jesus had done and taught and they…
The Ascension was and is of cosmic significance. All powers are now subject to Jesus. Despite his exaltation, Jesus is our advocate. His ascension allowed the descent of the Holy…
Peter's meeting with Cornelius was one of the most significant effects in the history of the church. It is the moment the Gospel crossed from Jews to Gentiles. The passage…

Peter and Cornelius

24th April 2016
1. Let's look to God to take the initiative in evangelism. 2. Are we prepared to be used by him? 3. God acted as the Christian faith spread to the…

Aeneas and Tabitha

17th April 2016
This sermon was not recorded, but a PDF of the text is available to download. The passage shows what can happen when faithful service modelled on that of Jesus is…
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