
6th October 2019
The early church believed in demons and angels but the Enlightenment saw loss of this belief. Today more people believe in angels than in God! At Jesus's birth angels sang…

A Great Church

11th December 2016
The battle for the soul of the Church is about Jesus. At the heart of the gospel is Jesus' sacrifice. The writer gives multiple practical applications that flow from these…

A Great Example

13th November 2016
How would we answer the question: 'What must I do to inherit eternal life?' In Jesus' day, it was to keep the Law. But now there is a new, much…

Two Great Warnings

6th November 2016
The Hebrews were teetering on the edge of a cliff, possibly turning their backs on salvation. 1. He encouraged them to turn back. 2. Give warnings. a. There is a…

A Greater Tabernacle

30th October 2016
Rosemary started by showing an obsolete mobile phone followed by a newer one. The Hebrew Christians had to realise that the old covenant was obsolete, superseded by the new one.…

A Great Encouragement

16th October 2016
Bob started by showing a new (plastic) £5 note and pointing out that it says 'I promise to pay the bearer a sum of five pounds' and then talked about…

A Greater High Priest

9th October 2016
The sermon with a summary of Hebrews till now For every look at ourselves take five at Jesus and his grace. Jesus is our great high priest. The Jewish Christians…

Greater than Moses

25th September 2016
Johnny Brownlee was helped over the finish line by his brother Alistair in a triathlon in Mexico. The Christian life is like a race and we hit difficult times. How…
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