31st January 2016


Passage: Acts 27:27-28:10
Service Type:

Luke's concern is to show how Paul got to Rome.
Paul returns to Jerusalem and is arrested. He appeals to Caesar. He has been told he will stand before Caesar.
• God is in charge and in control. He will keep us while he has work for us.
• God does not promise to keep us from trouble.
• Paul shared his confidence with others.

• The islanders gave them an unusual welcome. They were blessing the people of God.
• Are we so busy giving out that we fail to see opportunities to receive?
Can this passage be seen as a glimpse of 'normal Christian living'?
No mention of definite conversions, possibly because there were none. This what it can be like for people working in mission. Many people find ministry in rural Wales very hard. It can be discouraging. Our job is to sow genuine seeds of the Gospel.

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