18th May 2014

Mary Magdalene

Passage: John 20:11-18
Service Type:

Mary of Magdala in Galilee mentioned in all four Gospels had been cured of seven demons.Mary supported Jesus, along with other women, from her own resources. She stood at the cross with inconsolable grief. Her devotion, her love for Jesus,her passion for His Kingdom were exemplary.
Standing at the empty tomb , her distress was beyond words. The resurrected Jesus came to her in the garden and called Mary by name. Mary was totally transformed by this resurrection life . Jesus commissioned her with the task of telling the good news to the disciples that Jesus is not left rotting in the tomb. ‘ Her words ‘I have seen the Lord’ gave her a new role as ‘the apostle (messenger) to the apostles. ‘ Mary was the first witness to make the resurrection as real and undeniable as it is through her own experience plus two male witnesses . So we can declare with Mary ‘Alleluia, Christ is risen indeed.’

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