
27th January 2019
When the church lives differently the church grows but also faces opposition. In the shadow of the temple Paul focused on Jesus not on blaspheming Diana. In 1 Corinthians Paul…

Body Building

2nd November 2014
What is church life all about? 1. Vv7-10 The church draws its very being from the incarnate and ascended Christ. 2. Christ's purpose for his church is both unity and…
Paul is excited by the wonderful truths that the Gentiles are just as much members of God's kingdom as are Jewish Christians and so the "unsearchable riches" that are available…

Building the Temple

19th October 2014
This was preached at an all age service with a baptism. The children had been encouraged to pile cardboard boxes up at the front of the church and later to…

From Death to Life

5th October 2014
This section of the Epistle begins with a stark account of human beings mired in the deathly realities of sin, then sets out a life-giving, love-shaped vision of the God…
The eternal purposes of God The sermon begins with an overview of authorship, date and place of writing. The main theme in Ephesians 1:10 shows the great message of God's…
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