5th February 2017

Ten to Remember

Passage: Deuteronomy 5:1-33
Service Type:

The context is that after 40 years of wandering the Israelites are gathered about to enter Canaan. They are about to renew their covenant.
1. Setting the scene. They had experienced God's redemption. God had made a covenant with them. It was personal.
2. Ten to remember. They were given for their benefit. They were not meant to be looked upon legalistically, but obeyed willingly. They are central to the relationship between God and his people. We are meant to become like him. The commandments start with God. Rosemary expanded on three of them.
a. A relationship with the living God must have first place.
b. We must not make images representing God. He cannot be represented. Do I listen to the God who speaks?
c. You shall not covet. It is all to do with self interest.
3. Present commitment. When we see these commandments we are reminded how far short we fall and how much we need a Mediator.

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