25th September 2016

Greater than Moses

Passage: Hebrews 3:1-19
Service Type:

Johnny Brownlee was helped over the finish line by his brother Alistair in a triathlon in Mexico. The Christian life is like a race and we hit difficult times. How do we keep going in such tough times? This letter was written to encourage us.

7-19 - the consequences of turning away could not be more serious. The writer draws a parallel between the Israelites in the wilderness and us.

1-6 Two encouragements:

1. Fix your thoughts on Jesus. Jesus is the perfect Word from God, and the perfect Way to God. The writer compares Jesus with Moses.
a. Moses was the greatest prophet, but Jesus is incomparably greater. Moses is part of the house, Jesus is the Builder. God is the Builder of everything.
b. Jesus is the greater. Moses is just a servant in God's house, pointing forwards to Christ. Jesus is faithful as the Son.
2. Encourage one another. We are all in the race.
a. If our fellowship is just meeting on a Sunday, we are putting ourselves in danger.
b. Our relationships with each other have got to go beyond the superficial. It is difficult to let people in. Home groups are a great opportunity for encouragement.
3. Does he mean that I can lose my salvation if I don't keep going?
a. We are sustained and equipped by God. It is not in our strength.
b. If we are Christ's, we can be sure we shall persevere to the end.

'The way that we experience the power of God through Christ to work in this persevering grace is through the warnings and promises of the word of God' (John Piper).

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